I started to title this, Things I Don’t Know, but I would never get through writing it. For some reason a couple of things I have tried to put on have not gone on as all the others have. The computer puts a search bar up and if you click on it the article appears. I don’t know why. It’s probably something I’m doing.
Now you have to suffer some pictures of my vacation. Sorry, but I was really impressed with the Citadel.
Another thing, if you see something, that you are interested in, advertised on one of my blogs please click on it. I get a few cents for each click and it may be enough to keep me on the road this fall when the hunting season gets started.
< I'm up to over 40,000 hits on my blog and I want to thank everyone for reading it. I would be working the dogs without the blog but probably not as often. I enjoy writing and I enjoy working the dogs so it's a win, win for me. Once again, thank you, everyone for reading the blog.