I’m going to put some dog pictures on that haven’t been shown before. These are all training, either in my backyard or in the county park that is only a couple of miles from my home.
Whitey has been pretty steady from the start of this training but Blaze and Tur Bo weren’t. Since I have started this training, Whitey has become steady to flush as well as steady to wing. Blaze has gone from moving at the flush to being steady to flush and steady to wing. Tur Bo is becoming steady to wing but isn’t even close to being steady to flush but he’s just a year and a few days old. In another few weeks and a bunch of pigeons he will be there too, Lord willing.
The summer heat has slowed my dog training some but we will still find time to train. By fall I should have enough pigeons to train all of my dogs, not just these three. The older dogs don’t need as much but I don’t like to leave them in the kennel. I hope you enjoy these pictures.