A good friend, Dennis Garrison, had a young Brittany male many years ago that didn’t have a name. He called him Britt. He was left after Dennis had sold the rest of the litter. Dennis had several dogs so he didn’t hunt the young male until he was about 2 years old. The first time or two that he hunted he stayed within about 40 or 50 yards of us. He didn’t hurt anything but he wasn’t much help either.
A few hunts later we had some quail spread out along a wet weather creek that had some tall grass but very little brush along it. As the dogs worked down this cover Dennis said, “where’s Britt”. We retraced our path and found him on point about 50 yards behind us. That pretty much defined him, he wasn’t flashy, he didn’t cover a lot of ground but he pointed quail. He always pointed his share and if the other dogs slacked off he pointed more than his share.
As he got more confidence he covered more ground but he was usually pretty close working. When he got to running bigger we got to noticing that his testicles got bright red. They didn’t seem to cause him any pain but running through the cover caused them to become red.
As he became a better bird dog I kept telling Dennis he needed a real name. Britt is okay for a yard dog or a kennel dog but a bird dog needs a real name. He kept calling him Britt, so I told him the following story. I have changed the names so no one’s feelings are hurt.
A family friend, Mary, told us that she had a brother-in-law that had a huge set of testicles. When he sat down no matter what kind of clothes he had on they made a big bulge. When she was a young lady her father asked her, one time, if she had ever noticed how big Gene’s testicles were and she told him she had not.
Many years later her dad was in the hospital in really bad shape. Mary was alone with him and she said, “Dad, I need to tell you that I told you a lie one time.” Her dad didn’t say anything he just fastened his eyes to hers. She said, “I really have noticed Gene’s nuts.” As bad of shape as he was in they both had a good laugh.
I told Dennis he needed to call the Brittany, Gene. He thought that was a good idea so Gene got a name. I don’t know if Gene understood the story when I told it or he was just glad to have a name but he looked really proud when he was called “Gene”.