More Puppies Born June 2 2023

We had 3 survivors in Sally and Mann’s litter and I kept the left over female. I could not see any difference in the three pups other than color. The first pup picked went to Nebraska to a hunting home and the second went home with Don and Linda Hansen. Since we hunt together I will be able to keep a close eye on her. So the remaining puppy is still here and I’m working her occasionally on pigeons hidden in the grass. This will be the last litter out of Sally and I wanted to keep a female.

Miss Gracie.

Gus pointing a pigeon.

Gracie finding the dog food I threw in the grass.

My vet wasn’t happy that I had bred Sally at 6 years old. His advice was to quit breeding them at 5 years old. But by the time he told me this she was already pregnant. So to keep me, in a weak moment, from breeding her again I will have her spayed in a few weeks. Sally and Mann have been really good dogs so I thought, although Boss is out of their breeding, I should have a female.

Now to the new litter. Mann is the sire of this one and the dam is Abby. I put Abby in my shed with a dog door to my big pen. The shed is about a hundred yards from the house and usually before I would get up 2 or 3 times each night and walk down there to check the females. The last few litters I have used one of my security cameras. With it I can just check the camera, on my cell phone, without even getting up and go right back to sleep.

In fact when Sally had her litter I was 10 miles away working on my duplex. Occasionally, I would check my phone and when she had a puppy I could her it squealing. I left the duplex to be with them.

The night that Abby had her litter June and I went to eat with our son and his wife. We sat outside at the cafe we ate at. A nice cool evening with almost no wind. I checked on Abby a time or two. As we drove home we hit a squall line of driving rain with strong winds. It was raining so hard we could hardly see the road. Finally, when we got close to the house we were out of the rain and wind. Actually, it looked like we got almost no rain.

I checked the phone and Abby had a puppy and I could hear it crying. I headed down to the shed but before I got close I could hear puppies crying. My first thought was they had to be really loud for me to hear them outside the shed. Then I saw a puppy lying in the grass. Then another. These two puppies were squalling really loud. I grabbed them and took them into the shed but I had seen 2 more puppies in the big pen. I got them into the shed and called June to come help me dry and get them warm.

Abby’s pedigree.

The first two puppies I had picked up were outside the pen that Abby could get into. I don’t know how they had gotten where they were. We had got a little rain and the grass was wet. I don’t know if Abby had the puppies in the yard or whether she carried them from the shed when the storm blew through. The puppies were really cold even after we dried them. We put them on the heat pad. Abby had 5 puppies at this time. I went into the yard 4 or 5 times with a flashlight to make sure there were no more puppies outside in the grass.

Abby had 2 more puppies while I sat with her. I thought she was through having puppies about midnight. I still woke up and checked on her during the night. She was locked in the shed so I knew she couldn’t leave or get the puppies out. About 5:00 am I went back down to check on her. She had had another puppy and we were up to 8. All were warm and their stomachs looked full.

Mann’s pedigree.

She has 5 females and 3 males. I think we have 3 puppies with some black spots, maybe tri-colors. Two of them are females and one is a male. The other 5 are white with some orange.

I had a long list of people wanting a puppy but when I started calling them when Sally had her 3, most of them backed out. I don’t require anyone to put up a deposit so it’s easy to back out.

Now I have 6 of these puppies needing homes. The way my list is when you tell me you want a puppy I put you on my list. I don’t pick your puppy. Where you are on the list is when you make your pick. The next person to tell me they want a puppy will have the third pick. If all of the males are picked and you are wanting a male I will notify you as soon as I get your e-mail.

Bodie, a pup from Abby and Mann’s last litter.

If anyone is interested in one of these puppies they are $600.00 and located in Independence Missouri. You can contact me through an e-mail to I will put Abby and Mann’s 5 generation pedigree in this post.

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