I didn’t train dogs today so I thought I would go back over the pictures I took this season and post some of those again along with some that haven’t been on the blog.
The first picture was of Luke the day I guided for a church youth group. It has been on the blog before. The second was on a hunt in Missouri with Don Bolen and hasn’t been on the blog.
This is Lucky taken in Kansas I think.
This Lady after she was attacked by a huge mule deer near Greensburg, Kansas. She was able to hunt after this and lived to almost 13 years old. I still miss her.
This is Luke honoring Dolly on a hunt in Missouri with Don Bolen.
This Whitey on a training session.
This is Blaze on a training session.
Pictures of Tur Bo. I sent his papers in to American Field with his name spelled Tur Bo and got them back Turbo.
The gun that was stolen from me and I found after it had been gone 17 years. To read the story go to the Oct. archives.
Dolly. I don’t remember where this was taken.