The last 2 mornings the only dogs I have trained is Tur Bo. Yesterday I hid 3 pigeons, in release traps, in the tall grass, on the training ground then heeled him to the retrieving bench. We walked back and forth with me petting him every few feet.
After I tied the string on his toes I held a bumper in front of him. He grabbed it. I held it at his feet and above his head. It didn’t make any difference. He grabbed the bumper wherever it was. I used 4 different bumpers and had him fetch each one 3 times. I placed all 4 bumpers part way down the bench and sent him to retrieve. I walked down the bench with him. He retrieved each one and held it until I said give. I placed them farther down the bench and sent him to retrieve. I walked most of the way with him. He retrieved each one and held until I said give. I set him on the ground and said whoa.
I got on the 4-wheeler and released him to hunt. He ran ahead of me and pointed the pigeon I had hidden in the tall grass on my side of the training grounds. I took pictures then walked in front of him kicking the tall grass. I flushed the pigeon and shot the blank pistol. He didn’t move. I continued to kick the cover then led him away. I whoaed him then released him to hunt.
We hunted on to the back of my side then crossed onto the neighbor’s side. Usually we head to the back but Tur Bo checked the front side first and was on point when I found him. I took pictures then walked in front of him kicking the cover. I flushed the pigeon he was pointing and shot the blank pistol. He took a step and stopped. I set him back and continued to kick the cover. I flushed another pigeon that was about 20 yards away and shot the blank pistol. He took a step. I set him back then stroked his sides. I led him away then released him to run before returning to the kennel.
I really don’t care whether Tur Bo is steady to the shot and fall. I do want him to be steady to wing. He is pretty well steady to wing. This morning I hid 4 pigeons on my neighbor’s side of the training grounds. The pigeons were in release traps and I put 2 close together on the back of the neighbor’s side. I hid the other 2 pigeons close together on the front of the neighbor’s side.
I heeled Tur Bo to the retrieving bench and he jumped onto it. I walked him back and forth petting him every few feet. I put the slip knot above the joint in his front leg, a clove hitch below the joint and looped the string around the 2 center toes. I held a bumper in front of him and said fetch. He grabbed the bumper. I raised it above his head and said fetch. He snatched it from my hand. I held it at his feet and said fetch. He grabbed it. I had him fetch all 4 bumpers 3 times each.
I whoaed him then placed the bumpers about half way down the bench and sent him to retrieve. I walked down the bench with him but didn’t put my hand near the bumper. He retrieved all 4 bumpers and held them until I said give. I put the bumpers at the other end of the bench and sent him to retrieve. I hadn’t had to pull on the string at all. As he moved up and down the bench the string came off. I sent him to retrieve walking down the bench with him. He retrieved 3 of the bumpers and held them until I said give. I sent him for the fourth bumper and he stopped before going all the way. I put the string back on his foot, pulled on the string without saying fetch or anything. He moved down the bench, grabbed the bumper and carried it back to the other end of the bench. I had him hold it for a while before saying give. He dropped it in my hand.
I put the 4 bumpers on the other end of the bench again. I sent him to retrieve and he ran down the bench, grabbed the bumper and ran back. I held my hand under the bumper and said give. He dropped it in my hand. He retrieved all 4 bumpers holding them until I said give. I didn’t have to use the string again. He knows what he has to do to keep me from pulling the string. I set him on the ground saying whoa.
I got on the 4 wheeler and released him to hunt. He checked all of the places on my side where I had ever hid a bird then crossed over to the neighbor’s side. There was hardly any wind. He passed one of the pigeons then crossed to the other side of the next bird and locked up. I took pictures then walked in front of him kicking the cover. I flushed the pigeon that was right in front of him and shot the blank pistol. He didn’t move. I continued to kick the cover, flushed the other pigeon that was about 20 yards away and shot the blank pistol. He didn’t move. I led him away, whoaed him, got on the 4-wheeler and released him to hunt.
When I got to the front of my neighbor’s side he was already on point. I took more pictures then walked in front of him kicking the tall grass. I flushed the pigeon and shot the blank pistol. He took a step. I set him back then continued to kick the cover. I let him stand for a while then flushed the other pigeon that was about 20 yards away and shot the blank pistol. He took a step and stopped. I set him back then kicked the cover in front of him. I let him stand for a while then led him away. I released him to run for awhile before returning to the kennel.
I try to make these training sessions different but like some of the things the dogs will see in the field. I’ve flushed the pigeon that is farther away several times and now, for awhile, I’ll flush the one he is pointing so he will see the reason that I don’t want him to move after the bird flushes.
The weather people are predicting cooler weather next week. Maybe it will be cool enough I can work Luke and Blaze, too.