Layla pointed and while I was getting the camera she moved. I flushed the bird and she pointed the trap.
I have been working the two puppies, Layla and Rocky, on retrieving. Yesterday and today I worked them on birds as well. They really like birds.
Both pups have been retrieving a few times then decide to go into the trees with the retrieving buck instead of bringing it to me. Several years ago I had a litter of pups that when I turned them out some of them would go to the pigeon pens and eat pigeon poop. I started putting the ones that eat the poop back in the kennel and let the others play. They all quit eating the poop. Yesterday when the pups ran to the trees with the retrieving buck I grabbed the check cord that they had on and led them back to the stake out. I put them on the stake out and released the other one to retrieve. I had to lead both of them back to the stakeout twice.
This morning when I turned Rocky out to retrieve he ran out, scooped it up and brought it back to me. About the third or fourth time he looked at the trees on both sides but didn’t go to them. It was warm so I only let him retrieve about 6 times then put him back on the stake out and released Layla. So the pups know they aren’t being punished when I put them back on the stake out I let them run loose to the stake out then pet them for a while.
I released Layla to retrieve. I threw the bumper and she ran out, grabbed it and came right back. She still doesn’t bring it to hand but drops it a few feet from me. I still click and reward her. About the fourth time she retrieved she ran around a tree and I started to her to lead her to the stake out but she circled the tree and came to me. I clicked and treated. After about 6 retrieves I let her run back to the stake out where I petted her for a while.
I released Rocky and worked him on bout 6 more retrieves. He looked at the trees but never tried to go into them with the bumper. I released Layla after putting Rocky back on the stake out. Layla retrieved the bumper. Then, about the third time, she took off for the trees. She circled a tree then brought the bumper to me. I wish I knew what goes through their mind. After she retrieved about 6 times I put both of them in the kennel.
Yesterday, I hid three pigeons in the strips of tall grass on my neighbor’s side of the training grounds. I released Layla with a check cord attached to her collar. I took her to the back of my side so we could get the wind right for her when we got close to the hidden pigeons. We got close to the first pigeon I held the check cord and watched her. When I could tell that she smelled the pigeon I stopped her. She pointed and I dropped the check cord. She didn’t stay on point very long and when she moved I flushed the pigeon. She investigated the release trap instead of chasing the pigeon. I stopped her on the next one and flushed it when she moved, also, but she pointed the third one with out me stopping her. She didn’t hold very long and when she moved I flushed the bird.
I hid 3 pigeons for Rocky. I walked him down to the back of my side before going onto the neighbor’s side. I didn’t have a check cord on him. I could tell when he smelled the pigeon and started toward it. When he got close I flushed the pigeon. After the first or second one he started running down the middle of each of the strips of tall grass. By the time he flushed all 3 pigeons he was really wound up. I took him back to the kennel.
I put 3 more pigeons in the release traps and turned Layla out again. This time I didn’t put a check cord on her. The first pigeon she got to she didn’t even slow down. I flushed the bird before she could get on top of it. The second one she pointed but didn’t hold it very long. When she moved I flushed it. The third pigeon she pointed as soon as she smelled it. I thought I would get pictures of it. I got the camera out and turned it on and she moved. I flushed the pigeon and she pointed the release trap. I got a good picture of that. I took her back to the kennel.
I put three more pigeons in the release traps and walked Rocky to the training grounds. Training a flusher/retriever is different for me but I enjoy training Rocky. Without him I wouldn’t have Layla retrieving as well as she is. He hit the tall grass on each of the strips as soon as we got close. When I thought he smelled the pigeon I flushed it. He found all three.
This morning I hid 3 pigeons on my neighbor’s side of the training grounds, again. I turned Layla out with a check cord attached to her collar. We got close to the neighbor’s side and she ran ahead of me toward the first pigeon. I ran after her and when I got close enough to see her she came around the outside edge of the area where I had the pigeons hidden. She came back in front of me, smelled the pigeon and went on point. She only stayed on point a couple of seconds and I flushed the pigeon when she moved. She chased a few feet then came back and investigated the release trap.
She stayed in front of me and pointed the second pigeon. I took some pictures before she moved and I flushed the pigeon. We went on down the training grounds and she got too close to the last pigeon and I flushed it. She chased a little way. I took her back to the kennel.
I hid three more pigeons and brought Rocky out. I walk a zigzag pattern as we go toward the training grounds. This keeps him from getting very far from me. As soon as we got to the strips of tall grass he jumps in and goes from one end to the other. When he smells a pigeon his head comes up and he starts for it. I flush the pigeon when he gets close. He found all 3 pigeons. So far he doesn’t chase very far but stops to smell the release trap. I took him back to the kennel.
I am enjoying these two puppies. I’ve never worked with a flusher before so it’s making me spend more time thinking about what I should be doing. Trying to get the pups to bring me the bumper instead of taking it into the trees is fun to work on. Time will tell whether I have them retrieving to me most of the time or not.