Blaze is the dog on the upper left and Whitey is the upper right dog.
Tur Bo is in the two pictures on the bottom. His dad, Shadow Oak Bo, just won the National All Age Championship for the second time. Back to back wins.
I worked Blaze, Whitey and Tur Bo on pigeons. Whitey and Blaze have been worked on pigeons quite a bit but Tur Bo hasn’t. When I work Tur Bo I put the pigeons in release traps and hide them in the cover on my training grounds. When he points I do nothing. I stand watching him until he moves. At his first movement I release the bird so he will learn that if he moves the bird flies. At this time he chases the bird. Later I will stop him from chasing.
I am working Blaze and Whitey on being steady on their birds. I have a e-collar on their neck and their flank. They have been conditioned to both collars. When I start whoa training I use the flank collar by pressing the collar on a real light setting then say whoa. Pretty soon when I press the collar the dog stops before I can say whoa. At that time I say whoa and only press the collar if they don’t stop. When Blaze and Whitey point the pigeon I walk in front and kick the cover, sometimes I pick up large sticks and beat the cover and make noise, then flush the bird. If they chase I press the flank collar on a real light setting until they stop. I don’t say anything. Then I pick them up and carry them back to where they were originally on point. If your dog yelps or twists around your collar is too high.