For July, the weather was really nice this morning. The temperature was about 68 degrees with a light wind from the south. I hid 3 pigeons, in release traps, on my neighbors side of the training grounds. I put the e-collars on Tur Bo, heeled him near the 4-wheeler and told him whoa. I got on the 4-wheeler, started it and Tur Bo took off. I held the button on the transmitter down, on level 3, on the e-collar on his flanks until he stopped. He went about 50 yards before he stopped so I rode the 4-wheeler to him, picked him up, and got back on the 4-wheeler. I hauled him back to the original spot he had been on whoa at but I didn’t go the closest way. I set him on the ground and told him whoa. This time he let me get on the 4-wheeler, start it then say okay before he moved.
When he got to the first pigeon he pointed then took a couple of steps and I flushed the bird. He started chasing and I yelled whoa but he didn’t stop so I held the button on the transmitter down, on level 3, on the flank e-collar until he stopped. I picked him up and carried him back to where he should have pointed. I kicked in front of him then got on the 4-wheeler and started it. He never moved until I said okay.
He was about 15 yards from the next pigeon when he pointed. I got off the 4-wheeler, kicked in front of him and took some pictures. I held his collar and flushed the bird. He made a half hearted effort to move then stopped. I waited until he went back on point then got on the 4-wheeler and started it. He was watching me until I said okay then he took off.
He was a little closer on the third pigeon but he was still 7 or 8 yards from it when he pointed. I started toward him and he took a step and stopped. I picked him up and set him back. I took some pictures then held his collar while I flushed the bird. He never moved. I got on the 4-wheeler, started it and he waited for me to say okay before he moved. He hunted back to the kennel.
I brought Blaze out of the kennel with the e-collars on and whoaed her near the 4-wheeler. I got on the 4-wheeler, started it and Blaze took off. I held the button on the transmitter down, on level 3, on the e-collar around her flanks but she didn’t even slow down. I caught up with her about half way through the training grounds and held the button down, again. She finally stopped. I picked her up and got back on the 4-wheeler. I, slowly, rode back to the starting point. I carried her to the spot, set her down and told her whoa. She waited for me to get on the 4-wheeler, start it and say okay before she moved.
Blaze is really fast and she was going all out when she hit the scent cone on the first bird. She whirled into a point. I got off the 4-wheeler and took some pictures then kicked in front of her. I flushed the bird and shot the blank pistol. She never moved. I stroked her sides and told her what a good girl she is then got on the 4-wheeler and started it. She never moved until I said okay.
She pointed the next pigeon and I took more pictures. These may be the most photographed dogs in history. I kicked in front of her then flushed the bird and shot the blank pistol. She never moved. I got back on the 4-wheeler, started it and let her wait for a few seconds before I said okay. She didn’t move until I said okay.
The first pass Blaze made on the third bird was on the wrong side for the way the wind was blowing but she came around on the opposite side and went on point. I got off the 4-wheeler and kicked in front of her, flushed the pigeon and fired the blank pistol. The pigeon came out real low, right over her head and she turned around to watch it fly off. I picked her up and turned her around. I stroked her sides and told her what a good girl she is. I got on the 4-wheeler, started it and after a few seconds released her with an okay. She hunted back to the kennel.
I put the e-collars on Luke and heeled him out near the 4-wheeler. I put him on whoa, got on the 4-wheelernad started it. Luke didn’t move but it was hard on him. He got lower and lower waiting for me to say okay. Finally, I released him with an okay.
When I got near the first bird, Luke was already on point. I got off the 4-wheeler and took some pictures. I walked in front of him kicking the cover, flushed the pigeon, and shot the blank pistol. He never moved. I stroked his sides telling him what a good boy he is. I got on the 4-wheeler, started it and after a few second released him with an okay.
He went to the back and pointed the farthest pigeon. I got off the 4-wheeler, kicked the cover in front of him then flushed the bird and shot the blank pistol. He never moved. I got on the 4-wheeler, started it then said okay.
He was gone in a flash. I knew where the remaining pigeon was at so I was watching Luke when he hit the scent cone. He was going so fast that he wound up right on top of the trap but he wasn’t moving. I picked him up and set him back a few yards. I let him point for a minute or so then kicked in front of him then flushed the pigeon and shot the blank pistol. He never moved. I stroked his sides and told him what a good boy he is. He stayed on point until I got on the 4-wheeler, started it and released him with an okay.
These 3 young dogs are progressing. Neither Blaze or Tur Bo like to ride on the 4-wheeler. Blaze was trying to hold on with everything she has. She even tried to curl her tail around my arm. Picking dogs up and setting them back teaches them not to move. I think hauling them back on a 4-wheeler may teach them faster.