I have been able to get out each morning this week and work the young dogs, Abby and Josie. The weather has been great and the dogs have been showing their intelligence in learning, of most of the things I’m working them on, quickly. I worked them on kenneling in an airline crate that I have near the retrieving bench. The first time I had to stuff them in the crate then used a push a couple of times. After that both pups went in with nothing other than me saying, “kennel”.
Using the command, “kennel” each time I have loaded them in the truck made the kenneling easier, I think. I have hauled them on several trips where they were loaded several times each day. After just a few times on these trips both puppies, although they don’t like to ride, went right in their boxes.
I’m still putting the e-collars on their neck and flanks. So far, I haven’t even carried the transmitter or turned the e-collars on. I just want to get them used to wearing the e-collar. Although they move a little more when I put the flank collar on them, they stand pretty well for me to put the e-collars on, now.
I still walk each of the puppies around the yard with the piggin’ string. Now when I say, “whoa” I drop the piggin’ string and walk out in front of the puppies, sometimes around back of them and to each side. Most of the time the pups stay until I come back, tap them on the head and step off with a “heel” command.
Today, when we got to the retrieving bench I had both pups “kennel” in the airline crate. Both of them went in with just the command.
On past the retrieving bench, is the bird field. This is where I have always put pigeons out for the pups. I have left strips of grass. Today when we got close, I put the pups on whoa and then made a lot of noise kicking the tall grass, in the strips. Both of the pups decided I needed their help. I kicked the strips 7 or 8 times and Abby came to help twice and Josie 3 times. I didn’t raise my voice or do anything other than pick them up and put them back.
Abby was okay with me picking her up but Josie threw a little fit, so I held her off the ground until she quit twisting and turning. The second time her fit didn’t last long at all and the third time she let me set her back with no problem.
We know that every dog is a little different but Josie has a funny side. When I heel and whoa the pups if they do it right I stroke their sides. Usually, once on each side then tap their head, say “heel” and step off. When I touch Josie’s left side she whirls around like someone snuck up on the other side. She’s okay with me stroking her right side. She will get used to me stroking her left side, I hope.
When we get back to the retrieving bench I have the pups jump onto the bench. When they jump I say, “up”. I walk down both sides of the bench petting them every few feet. Both of these pups have tried to jump off the bench but they are hooked to the pulley system.
After they get petted I throw a glove down the bench and they both retrieve it to me. Today, Abby came back once without the glove. I went down the bench and threw the glove back opposite of the way I had thrown it before. She grabbed it and brought it to me. I then threw it from the normal place 5 times and she brought it back each time.
When I first started tossing the glove Josie didn’t want to give it up when she came back to me. They are hooked to the pulley system so they if they move they have to come back to me. I, usually, pet them until they drop the glove but Josie just hung on. I lifted her ear and blew a puff of air into her ear. She turned loose. Now she releases the glove each time, really well.
I don’t let them jump off the bench. I set them on the ground and say, “whoa”. Jumping may be hard on their leg bones and tendons. I don’t let my dogs jump off the tail gate of the truck, either. But the main reason I don’t want them jumping is I don’t want them thinking they can end the session, on the bench, by jumping down.
After the retrieving I heel them to the whoa barrel. Neither of them really like the barrel but they don’t fight other than stopping before we get to the barrel. I set them on the barrel and hook the chain to their collar. Both of them allow me to style them up. They are afraid to move. Even with the carpet on the barrel it’s easy to fall off. We don’t use a lot of time on the barrel. I style them up and walk around them a few times then set them on the ground. I style them up on the ground then heel them back to the kennel.
Both of these pups are doing each command very well. I will, probably, start next week to reinforce these commands with the e-collar. I use the e-collar like on the George Hickox DVD’s. I will start with the kennel command. George advocates introducing the e-collar with the dog going away from you. If you start the dog on “here” or “whoa” the dog may come to you every time they are stimulated. Or stop if you do whoa first. Also, the stimulation is on the lowest setting the dog can feel.
I have the new litter of puppies to play with and these two pups to work with so may days are full but they are also complete. I am a blessed man.